Vermont # 47 Lamoille Valley Rail Trail

St. Johnsbury, VT

June 25, 2021

Yesterday was a travel day for us as we headed toward St Johnsbury, VT for our next ride. We had a relaxing morning and left Lake Carmi State Park about noon.

Camped at Lake Carmi
Our view of Lake Carmi

We arrived in Littleton, NH, where we would spend the night, with plenty of day left we did some shopping and went to the local pub/restaurant for dinner. Good food, great service and decent prices.

Oh yes, cold beer and popcorn.
Trailhead information

The Lamoille Valley Rail Trail runs along what was once known as the covered bridge line and was a leaf peeper train for scenic tourism.

Tunnel at beginning of the trail

We rode the eastern section of the rail trail. It was 12.5 miles on an uphill grade to Danville. We took an hour and 30 minutes ride up the trail and under an hour on our return. It was a fun fast ride down and a much earned rest.

There were two tunnels which took us under roadways.

We traveled in and out of dense forest on the rail bed which at times was a few hundred feet above the forest floor.

There were cutout areas of bedrock which provided very cool temperatures..
We road just a short distance past the Danville Train Station.
Minor bike repair performed by my favorite mechanic.

The wild flowers along the trail were beautiful and we saw people picking bouquets. Where the woods were most dense ferns covered the sides of the trail.

A spring along the trail.

We are excited to have finished our Vermont 100 today, that makes 47 down and one to go. We are spending the night in Newport, Maine and hope to ride the Downeast Sunrise Rail Trail tomorrow.

Just had to stop and get some maple syrup while in Vermont

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