Some Wyoming – Much Colorado

September 6 – 15, 2017

We awoke to a heavy frost in Custer and headed for Casper, WY.  We plan to do a few miles along the Platte River in Casper before heading for Colorado.  Spent the night in the local Wal-Mart and parked at Fort Caspar on the Platte River Trail to do our biking. Really pleasant ride almost entirely along the river.

Along Platte River Trail
Downtown Casper

We spent a night in Cheyenne, Wy and then headed for Loveland, CO where we had reservations for a couple nights.  We settled into our campsite and headed to Denver to visit my sister, Sherry and her grandson Donavan.  We watched the Buckeye disaster with Oklahoma.  No words!! Donavan made us a wonderful meal of grilled skirt steak. He is a really fine cook. Flo had a chance to meet their dog Buddy and they became fast friends.

Flo and Buddy

On Sunday Sherry, Donovan and his friend Auna came to the rv park for a visit.  We had a great time playing corn hole.  So nice to visit, but sad to say good-bye.

Monday the 11th we were on the road at 5 AM.  We wanted to get to Ouray early in the afternoon.  The traffic was heavy until we got to Route 70, then it was smooth sailing going over the mountains.  We arrived in Ouray about 3 PM, our friends Debby and Steve were already there as they had arrived on Sunday.  Our campsite was right on the river with beautiful mountains all around. Steve’s sister Carolyn and her husband Dave arrived a few hours later. We had a relaxing evening reminiscing.

Our home in Ouray – we had good neighbors, Debby and Steve.

Our first full day in Ouray we did some shopping in town and checked on our Jeep rental which we would pick up in the evening.  We couldn’t pass up the chance to try out the hot springs, so we spent the afternoon soaking in the warm Ouray springs.  It was just what our tired biking bodies needed.

Downtown Ouray
Trail Map

Wednesday we were on the trail about 9 AM, the beginning of an 11 hour day. We were headed for Lake City over Engineer Pass., elevation 12,800 feet.  Around every bend was one breath taking view after another. On our way up Engineer Pass we saw a Polaris which had tumbled from who knows how high up the trail. Very disheartening when we were just on our way up!

Someone had a very bad  day.
Engineer Pass and a great flag waving picture.

We came across a large herd of sheep. There were some dogs moving the sheep and a shepherd working the dogs.  It was quite a sight!!

Herd of sheep along the trail.
Aspen beginning to show their fall colors.

Wednesday evening the rest of the group arrived.  Glenda and Carl from Texas and Mary and Jerry from New Mexico. What great people we have to enjoy 4-Wheeling with and all have so much knowledge to share with us. Blessed!!

Thursday morning we were on the trail before 10 AM, another long day of 4-wheeling. I think about 8 -9 hours.  We took Ophir Pass, elevation 11,789 feet, to Telluride.  Stopped in Alta on the way and had lunch beside the lake.  It started to rain just as we were heading back on the trail.  We kept Flo covered in the back seat.  I may have forgotten to mention the Jeep we rented did not have any windows in the back. Minor detail!

Flo in her windowless Jeep ride.
Mary the pole dancer on Ophir Pass.

We continued into Telluride which was very congested.  They were having a Brews and Blues festival.  We took Imogene Pass, elevation 13, 114 feet and Canyon Creek back Ouray.

View of Telluride heading up toward Imogene Pass.

The trip down off of Imogene Pass had some pretty steep downhills.  Not so tough for us but a bit hard on Flo.  By the time we were down it was a pretty steady rain but what a great day of 4-wheeling.  There is just too much to tell and so many wonderful sights.  Like I said before – around every bend in the road another awesome view.

Beautiful colors
The whole gang on Imogene Pass.
Beautiful views around every corner.

Friday found us or rather Lenny cleaning the Jeep and returning it to Switzerland of America tours.  We also found time to head for the hot springs again.  We were joined by Mary and Carolyn.  Good place to relax and visit.

Hot girls in hot springs

Saturday we packed up, said our sad goodbyes and headed for Kansas to find Dorothy.  The rest of the gang was headed for a couple weeks in Moab, Utah.