Seward, Alaska

Monday August 2 – 6, 2021

We arrived in Anchorage on Monday August 2nd about 4:30pm. The views from the plane were beautiful.

View heading into Anchorage.

Erik, Inga and Paul met us at the airport to take us to Seward. Getting hugs from all of them was the best Alaska welcome! Seward is located at the northern end of Resurrection Bay a fjord in the Gulf of Alaska.

We stopped to look for Beluga whales along the Seward Highway en route to Seward.

Heather, Helena and Martha were waiting for us in Seward at the Mt. Marathon View rentals. We had another wonderful welcome to Alaska.

We stayed just a short walk from the small boat harbor and the mouth of the river where Erik and Paul went fishing.

Small boat harbor in Seward.

We spent 4 wonderful days in beautiful Seward. Every day was filled with new adventures – fishing, beachcombing, boat tour of Resurrection Bay, watching the fishing boats return to port in the evening, biking and more.

Erik with his King Salmon.
Paul and Martha fishing.
Erik cleaning his King Salmon with an audience.
Paul helping to clean a silver salmon.

We took an exciting and informative Kenai Fjords Wildlife tour with a stop on Fox Island for lunch.

Beach on Fox Island – lots of heart shaped rocks for skipping. Erik, Heather, Inga, Helena and Paul and Martha.
Our tour boat docked at Fox Island pier.
Helena, Inga and Martha on wildlife tour.
We saw puffins, eagles, mountain goats, a humpback whale, sea otters and sea lions as seen in picture.
Martha became a Kenai National Park Jr Ranger.

The fishing boats would begin to come into the docks about 4:30 pm. We would would walk along the docks to see the huge number of halibut and salmon that had been caught.

Salmon on top and halibut on bottom
Hugh halibut weighed in at 85 pounds.

We rented bikes at Seward Bike Shop which is housed in an old train car. Lenny and I had fun riding the bike path along Resurrection Bay out to Lowell Point.

Ready to start our Alaska miles. Riding our 49th state in the 49th state.
View of Resurrection Bay from bike bath. Pilings are what remain of docks after 1964 Good Friday tsunami.
Dog sled at 0 mile marker of Historic Iditarod Trail. Long before the Iditarod was an international dog sled race it was a 2300 mile trail that began in Seward.

We went to Lowell Point at low tide beachcombing. Heather found a starfish, Paul searched for crabs. There was some beach glass to be found also.

Low tide at Lowell point – at high tide only the top of this rock is visible.
Paul loved finding crabs under rocks at low tide on the beach at Lowell Point.
Heather and girls at Lowell Point.
Heather found this starfish on the beach. After a little”show and tell” she returned it to the water.
Forest near Lowell Point

Olympic swimmer Lydia Jacoby, a Seward resident, won a gold and silver medal in Tokyo. She is the first Alaskan to win a gold medal in swimming. The town oganized a parade to celebrate her return from Tokyo.

Parade for olympic swimmer Lydia Jacoby
Erik, Heather and family – flag flying in celebration of olympic swimmer Lydia Jacoby.

We spent a few hours one afternoon visiting the Alaska Sealife Center. We all enjoyed seeing the puffins fly under the water. There was a tide pool with every color and size of starfish imaginable.

Juvenile Puffin at Alaska Sealife Center, his name was Hans and he was very curious and loved being near people.
Alaska Sealife Center – tide pool
Moon starfish – while on Fox Island we saw a “smack”, which is a large group of thousands of starfish.
There was even a skateboard park. Martha and Paul show off their skills.
Fire weed gets it’s name because it is the first plant to grow after a fire.
Erik and Inga climbed Mt. Marathon.

We loved Seward. The best part was having Erik, Heather and the kids sharing “their Alaska” with us.

We left Seward by train on Friday August 6th. More adventures to follow.

One thought on “Seward, Alaska”

  1. Alaska is absolutely BEAUTIFUL….. and unique!! I love all these pics!
    The big flag with some of my favorite people beneath it is one of my favorite pics. ❤ Those fish are HUGE The kid’s faces while Erik is cleaning it are hilarious. What an amazing ADVENTURE you’ve had already!!!

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