Rest day in wine country.

Friday August 24, 2018


We were looking forward to a rest day. Both of us were feeling a bit worn out. Flo let us sleep in and so we started our day rested. We did housekeeping chores around the motorhome, took Flo for some long walks and then headed for 14 Hands Winery.

Mural outside 14 Hands Winery.

The winery is named for the small wild horses that once roamed the area.

Outside 14 Hands tasting room.

We really enjoyed this winery. Good cheese, good almonds, good grapes and of course good wine. We purchased a couple bottles of their reserve. Special occasion bottles. 20180825_085127

The RV park hosted another wine tasting in the evening which we attended. The haze had cleared significantly, there was a full moon (which we could see) and a perfect evening to sit outside. What a perfect rest day. Tomorrow we are looking forward to visiting our friend Trish. We have lots of catching up to do.