Biking 100 miles in every state, the LORD willing.
Pool Day – Ahhhh
August 19. 2019
Moved to campsite across from the pool which had strong wifi signal – hooray!! Landen and I took a walk through the campground but all he could talk about was the pool.
Ready for a dip in the pool on a 90 degree day.Landen loved his pool day. He really was quite comfortable in the water. Time for swim lessons.
This was a nice day off for us all. No travel, no biking just relaxing. After his swim Landen took a 3 hour nap. Lenny and I had quiet time.
Landen watching Grandpa empty tanks.Landen is standing on flooring Lenny made to cover the steps. We don’t have to worry about him falling. When not in use piece stores beside table top. Lenny’s spring/summer project.
It’s so different traveling with a 2 year old but we are all adapting.
During the day Landen’s bed is on our bed. At night Landen’s bed is on the floor. Always sleeps well with his alligator and turtle. ……… and then it’s “Good Morning!”.
So, with a few changes a two year old fits in quite nicely. Best part is he loves that whole biking thing.