Off to Experience the Northeast

We left Saybrook on Monday afternoon August 12, 2019 to begin our biking in the northeast. Our plan is to ride in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. We may also get some New York miles in on our return to Ohio.

Our first morning – breakfast in motorhome, Utica, NY. Walmart parking lot beside a Bass Pro Shop.

We headed for Bernardston. MA in the morning as we have reservations at Traveler’s Woods. Our trip was uneventful (PTL) with mostly light traffic and of course some construction delays. Sine we are traveling with a 2 year old our site was near the play ground.

Notice Landen is wearing his bike helmet. Couldn’t decide between riding his strider bike or going down slide. Nice quiet campground.

We plan to stay here 3 nights. It is close to 2 trails we plan to ride. Tomorrow we begin our Massachusetts miles. We are so excited to once again that we are blessed2bbiking. Double blessed to have Landen along