Moving on – to Oregon #36

Saturday August 25 – Monday August 27, 2018

We left the RV Park about noon and were off to Richland to see Trish. We hadn’t seen her in almost 35 years.

Trish and her husband Ray have a beautiful home with plenty of room for us to park and plug in. We had a wonderful time reminiscing and catching up. Who knew we could talk so much. Lots of laughter! We really enjoyed our time with both Trish and Ray.

Ray and Trish- biggest pancake we’ve ever seen.

We had breakfast at a fun little restaurant. Huge servings.

This was hanging from the ceiling.

Sunday we headed for the Columbia River Gorge in Oregon. It was so enjoyable following the river. At a couple places we saw wind surfers and kite sailing.  There seemed to be 100s of  them.

We were fortunate to get a beautiful campsite at the Memaloose State Park. It was on the river and we had a nice shaded site.

View from campground.
Nice place for walking Flo. Lots of squirrels to tease her.

Tuesday morning we road the twin tunnel section of the Historic Columbia River Trail.  The trail is part of the original road built between 1913 and 1922. When the interstate was built in the 1950s the old highway was abandoned. For the past 30 years efforts have been made to restore the road. Some sections are drivable and others are for biking and hiking only. The section we road did not allow cars.

The views were incredible. This was just east of the tunnels.

There were some long climbs (over a mile) but going down was just plain fun!!

We were thrilled to have blue skies! It’s been a while.

We stopped at the RV for a PB&J and then went to ride the Riverfront Trail at The Dalles. We parked at the Discovery Center. We had expected a flat trail but it was not to be. Leaving the Discovery Center we headed downhill on a series of switchbacks. It was more downhill then up the entire 8 miles and I was dreading our return.

Houseboats at The Dalles Marina.

Our return trip was not as strenuous as I thought. The views along the river were beautiful.

Near site where Lewis and Clark were said to have camped.

We returned to RV hot and tired. The place smelled yummy as we had pork chops cooking in the crockpot. We were  tired – we burned a lot of calories climbing all those hills.

Home sweet home – Memaloose State Park

Tomorrow we are headed for Stub Stewart State Park – it’s right on the Banks-Vernonia State Trail.