Manhan Rail Trail – Northampton MA

August 15. 2019

We all slept in this morning until 9 AM – so thankful Landen is a good sleeper. We are off to Northampton to ride the Manhan Rail Trail

Northampton is a nice little town with beautiful planters all around, many shops and restaurants. Union Station along the trail has been refurbished and houses restaurants. Very tempting, but if we stop we may not get on the trail again. I had read somewhere that the trail was shaded but most of it was not and it was a hot day.

We road the trail south to Easthampton thru parks and community gardens. One park was busy with food bank distribution.

Mural along Manhan R/T in Easthampton.
This mural was really incredible. I wish I could have gotten it all on one picture.
Lunch stop on our return to Northampton. Landen loves those PB&Js.

One leg of the trail followed the Connecticut River. As we passed by a small lake the temperature dropped and we felt cool for a few brief minutes. It didn’t last long. These rides have been very hot so far.

Tomorrow we move to another campground.