Franconia Notch Recreation Trail, White Mountains, NH

August 26, 2019

We were on the road early to catch the shuttle up the mountain to be begin our ride “down” the Franconia Notch Trail. Sport Thoma in Lincoln provided the shuttle.

Kudos to Sport Thoma. we were early for our scheduled shuttle so they took us up the mountain while delivering bikes to Canon Mountain. Landen loved the ride in the van and they provided a nice clean car seat. The driver gave great safety advice and tips on the best sights to see.
Preparing for our ride at drop off at Canon Mountain.
Echo lake, where we started our descent. You can see some of Canon Mountain ski runs.
Taken from Echo Lake. You can just barely see the aerial tram to the top of Canon Mountain.
We crossed several of these bridges.

Some of the down hills were quite exhilarating but we were caught off guard by some of the very steep climbs.

Interesting tree along the trail. I was certain I would seen a gnome around somewhere.
Landen took a little nap before lunch. He missed out on some fast down hill riding and beautiful scenery.
We had a beautiful spot for lunch along the Pemigewasset River.
This was a waterfall near the Basin along Franconia Notch Trail. No pictures of Basin too many tourists putting toes in water.
The trail was forever changing. Our descent was very rapid at times.
This was a tough climb. Hard to tell from picture but our hearts were pumping.

We had such an awesome time. Scenery was beautiful. The ride was fast and fun at times but had some challenging climbs as well. The ride from the end of the trail to Thoma Sport where our car was parked was over 2 miles of downhill. AWESOME!! Fun for all!

We have ridden 58 miles in New Hampshire.