Erie Canalway Trail – Camillus to Jordan

June 17, 2020

Our third day on the bikes and all I can think is “back in the saddle again”. We are riding on the Canalway Trail, Camillus to Jordan section. This section of the Canalway is so different from what we saw yesterday. No shops or cafes here. What a contrast, so glad we were able to experience such different views of the canal.

Very typical of how the canal looked between Callimus and Jorden.

There was one area with what looked like a tour boat in the water, but not in operation. Also, a tavern which was closed. They were doing some major tree work here and not too pleased that we passed through. We had come too far to be turned away.

Typical of most of this section of the trail. Some areas wider, some areas single track.

We made our way to Jordan which was about 12 miles from where we began in Camillus. We were in and out of shade and had the trail practically to ourselves. Jordan looked like a quiet little town. We rode about a half mile around the neighborhood and never saw anyone.

The end of the trail for us., about 12 dusty miles from trailhead where we began.

I really enjoyed seeing fish in the canal on our return, the light was perfect for seeing into the water. In some areas there was canal on one side and swamp on the other – no gators like in Florida.

Beautiful farm along trail.
Along 9 mile creek near Camillus

One of the highlights of this section of the trail was Nine-Mile Creek Aqueduct near Camillus, which was the halfway point on the original Erie Canal.

Lenny crossing nine mile creek aqueduct.
Canal at Nine-Mile Aqueduct

We rode 24 miles today and are getting a little saddle sore – 81 miles into our New York 100. Our plan was to take a week to ride in New York but with rain predicted for Friday we are anxious to get our miles in.