Delaware Georgetown-Lewes Trail and Junction & Breakwater Trail

September 19. 2020

We departed the T.S. Smith & Sons farm this morning around 9 AM. We had planned to ride a trail at Trap Pond State Park but since it was such a short trail we decided to pass and head for Lewes. We needed to empty our tanks and get more fresh water. Fortunately we found Tall Pines Campground which is practically right on Georgetown-Lewes trail.

We really can’t say enough nice things about this trail. The surface was asphalt and in perfect condition. Any area where there was a chance of going off the trail had fencing and berms. My only issue – both trails were very busy which is what we had expected for this area on a Saturday. Maybe 50% of riders and walkers wore a mask.

Tall pines along the Georgetown- Lewes Trail.

Homes along the trail were beautifully landscaped. Many had paths from their yards that lead to the trail.

Rails left by the railway. The trail is adjacent to the rails. Some areas where the old trail bed was above the bike path people had used the area to plant flower gardens.
Smelled them, saw them in their pasture but no cows crossed our trail. It would have been fun.

This trail joined seamlessly with the Junction-Breakwater Trail which is another excellent trail. It winds through Cape Henlopen State Park next to wetlands and farms. The trail ends in Rehoboth Beach. We had planned to ride on the roads through that area but traffic and other bikers would have made for a treacherous ride.

Junction & Breakwater Trail. Surface was crushed stone and in excellent condition.

It was almost 5 PM when we arrived back at the motorhome and getting quite cold. There had been a brisk wind all day and I was chilled. Coldest day of riding yet. We only have a few miles to finish our Maryland 100 and hope to be pedalling early in the morning to complete.