Day 4 on the GAP – Meyersdale to Cumberland, MD

Friday September 9, 2023

We awoke this morning to the pleasant smell of bacon cooking. Debbie made us a wonderful breakfast of bacon, the most delicious eggs we’ve ever had and fresh fruit. We were well nurished for our final day on the trail.

Only 32 miles to Cumberland.

It had rained early in the morning but had cleared by the time we started down the trail.

Pumpkin field with workers filling the wagon.

A short distance out of Meyersdale we were passing small farms. There was a sign that said “Fresh Donuts Today”. We may have been tempted but after our breakfast at Levi Deal Mansion we passed it up.

After a steady uphill pedal we reached the Eastern Continental Divide. It was about 8 miles out of Meyersdale and for the most part the end of our uphill journey.

At the Eastern Continental Divide and high point of the GAP – 2,392 feet.

We had started at an elevation of 712 feet in Pittsburgh and were now at 2,392 feet. Much of the time the elevation gain was seamless – at other times not so much.

Big Savage Tunnel – 3,291 feet long

Big Savage Tunnel was built by Western Maryland Railway and refurbished for bicyclists and hikers in 2003. The tunnel is closed during the winter months to protect it’s inner concrete liner from damage.

Mason Dixon line surveyed between 1763 – 1767 to resolve a dispute between Pennsylvania and Maryland.
Borden Tunnel near the state line. There were motion-control lights in the tunnel.

We made it over the Eastern Continental Divide, through the Big Savage Tunnel, across the Mason Dixon Line, through the Borden Tunnel and now only about 17 miles from Cumberland.

Following are some images from our pleasant downhill pedal into Cumberland.

Wester Maryland Scenic Railroad

We arrived in Cumberland with time to spare before our shuttle arrived to return us to Pittsburgh.

The zero mile marker was so sweet to see

The TuTu Girls caught up with us in Cumberland and they convinced Lenny to join their TuTu ranks.

What a good sport!

Our friends were headed for a hotel for the night and a much deserved massage for each of them. They will continue on the C&O Canal Towpath to Washington DC 184 miles away.

We said our goodbyes and wished them safe travels. Hope our paths cross again one day.