Day 2 on the GAP – West Newton to Ohiopyle

Thursday September 7, 2023

We started the morning off with a good breakfast at Bright Morning B&B. We were on the trail about 10:15 AM, pedaled about 2 miles and it started to rain and then it poured.

Trying to stay dry but we were already wet and muddy.

The rain let up some but we traveled the next 8 to 10 miles in a light rain. You can only get so wet.

We stopped in Perryopolis at Sager Mosaics. The Tu, Tu girls told us it was a must see. We really enjoyed seeing the unique mosaic art done by Rachel Sager. She was so gracious and did not mind us being wet and dirt.

Porch at Sager Mosaics.
Rachel’s gallery is right on the GAP.

The weather continued to improve and the trail began drying nicely in most places.

Traveling through West Yough we were able to visit the bridge pictured below. By this time the skies were clear and beautiful.

West Yough Transfer Bridge made from ruins of abandoned Warren truss bridge once used by Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Railroad.
On the way into Connellsville we passed under this arch which features stained glass from the town’s Youghiogheny Opalescent Glass Factory.
Bowest bridge near Connellsville is 747 feet long.
This road seemed to go on forever – straight, tree lined and steadily uphill.

There was a section of forest south of Connellsville where trees had been taken down by a storm a couple weeks ago. It looked as though the area had been timbered. The area was several miles long. I can’t imagine the hours it took the trail volunteers to clear the trail. Kudos to them!

A few miles before arriving in Ohiopyle we reached the halfway point of the trail.
Ohiopyle High Bridge 663′
Views from the Ohiopyle High Bridge

We arrived in Ohiopyle still a bit damp and very dirty. We are staying at the Ohiopyle Suites and they were kind enough to provide towels and water hose to clean our dirty bikes.