Connecticut – #45 Air Line State Park Trail

October 8, 2020

We returned to a more northern section of the Air Line Trail to finish our Connecticut 100. Pomfret Depot was our starting point and we headed south.

After the storms the previous night we were concerned about trail conditions. The wind was still blowing and it was only about 55 degrees. Honestly. if we were just going for a ride at home I would have passed but we wanted to finish our 100 TODAY.

Dressed for cold weather.
Immediately north of Pomfret Depot they are building a beautiful new bridge to connect with the northern portion of the trail.

Thankfully the trail was dry but there were many branches strewn all along the trail.

This was the only tree we could not get around.
There were lots of police on 4-wheelers. So surprised to see them as motorized vehicles are not permitted on railtrail.
Police on 4-wheelers. They did an awesome job of clearing leaves and branches from the trail.

We passed these 4-wheelers entering the trail and then saw them exiting on our return. The passing of the 4-wheel ATVs swept the trail clean – not a leaf or branch left on the trail where they had ridden.

The railbed is high above the forest floor.
Fall colors and bog
We did have sunshine which made the fall colors pop.

We’ve ridden some beautiful trails in Connecticut. Today we were really “in the country”. We could see a few homes from the trail and they had generators running due to power outages. When making a road crossing we could see several utility company trucks doing repairs.

We are off to begin our Rhode Island 100 tomorrow. There is a frost warning here tonight and our heat is running. I cooked a pork tenderloin in the oven this evening. The oven helps to heat up our little home.

A carpet of pine needles on the trail. Time to say goodbye to Connecticut- it’s been a good ride.