Canalside Rail Trail – Montague, MA

Wednesday August 14, 2019 and we have a nice ride on the Canalside Trail scheduled. Lenny had an issue with his derailleur so he spent the morning fixing that issue. Landen rode his bike around the park and went down the slide many, many times.

We began our ride in Montague. We passed Turner Falls Dam and Fishway which are ladders that allow fish to travel up stream. The trail then followed the canal where we saw several trestle bridges, ducks and blue heron.

Near the end of the trail we were on the street for a short distance then into a heavily wooded area and over an awesome trestle bridge.

Beautiful trestle bridge on Canalside Rail Trail.

The views from the bridge were gorgeous. Since it was a short trail and Landen had fallen asleep we rode part of the trail twice.

View from trestle bridge on Canalside R/T near confluence of Conneticut and Deerfield Rivers.

So good to be starting out northeastern miles. Tomorrow we will ride The Manhan Rail Trail