Caldwell, WV – Greenbrier River Trail

September 10, 2020

We had a really quiet night at Walmart in Summersville. It was nice to have access to satellite and watch some of the Tour de France while having breakfast.

Planned our route to Caldwell so we could avoid those narrow country roads. It gave us the chance to see the New River Gorge Bridge. We stopped at the visitors center which was closed but we were able to visit the viewing areas using a dramatic wooden walkway.

Awesome wooden staircase to viewing areas.
Near top of walkway

The bridge reduced a 40-minute drive down narrow mountain roads to less then one minute.

New River Gorge Bridge completed in 1977. Beautiful views from walkway.
Lowest viewing area, 168 stair steps from top.

Route 64 heading into Lewisburg/Caldwell area had some very steep grades. Views of mountains were awesome.

We went right to the trailhead in Caldwell. Lenny had some repairs to do on his bike and we wanted to ride a few miles to check out trail conditions. Also to be certain Lenny’s new axle and tune-up corrected his shifting issues.

My favorite bike mechanic. Greenbrier River Trail trailhead in Caldwell.

While eating lunch at the trailhead a bear ran across the road. It ran thru a field, looked very confused and went into a corn field. That’s our bear sighting for this trip, no more needed.

There had been a landslide in this area, near mile marker 13, a few years ago. There is a steep uphill and downhill here – otherwise it’s a bit of a downhill slope from Cass to Caldwell.

The few miles we planned turned into 13 out to mile marker 16. Lenny’s repairs to his bike were successful. Heading back it started to rain and then pour. We have ridden in rain before but never to this extreme.

Trail surface was single track at times.This was before the rain. Puddles and mud formed quickly. We attempted to ride in center of trail during downpour. Worked good for awhile.
After the rain, the sun was out again.