Buffalo Roundup

September 28 – September 30, 2018

Sherry and Lea joined us in Custer to attend the Buffalo Roundup.  We were camped at French Creek RV in Custer. It was raining when they arrived and sleeting by the time we went to bed.

Up early for Buffalo Roundup with 6 inches of snow.

By the time we arrived at the viewing area there was almost no snow on the ground. We were layered up but it was a cold wait for those bison.

This valley would soon fill with bison.

We really enjoyed seeing the horses and riders. Sherry and I were jealous. We would have loved to be out there.

And the bison came.
And kept coming.

20180929_104856A closer view of bison and horses.

Binoculars are a must. Glad we had ours. It was a really great experience.  I would go again and hope for warmer temperatures.

After the bison are corralled they check the new calfs and tag them. There were about 350 new calfs this year. Some of the bison are removed from the herd and sold at auction in a couple weeks. They try to keep the herd at 1300 to 1400.

Sherry and Lea visited Mount Rushmore on Saturday morning. We all spent the afternoon in Custer seeing the bison there.

Sherry and Lea with one of the many Custer bison.
These bison were so creative.
This may have been our favorite. So many images to see.

Saturday evening Sherry and I were glued to the TV watching the Buckeyes silence the “white out”.  Sunday morning Sherry and Lea headed for Denver and we headed for Ohio. Our next adventure will take us to the northeastern states.