200 Miles 2 Go

June 19, 2021

We are back in our home on wheels. Biking in Vermont and Maine is on the agenda. These are the last two states to complete our challenge of riding 100 miles in all the lower 48. First stop will be Island Line Rail Trail near Burlington, VT.

We like to look back at our relaxing, amazing winter in Florida before starting a new adventure. Our time was filled with visiting family and friends, beachcombing, biking and avoiding that Covid thing. So here are some of our memories.

Bonfire with kids at St Lucie COE campground.
Celebrating Scott’s 36th with his family. Jupiter lighthouse in the background.
Catching up with cousins at Koreshan State Park.
Lunch with Beach Lake friends at Fisherman’s Village in Punta Gorda.
Spending fun times with Connie . We found a treasure trove of Mardi Gras beads.
Helped Sam organize his garage.
Dinner at U-Tiki in Jupiter.
Legacy bike trail near Oscar Scherer State Park.
Saw this guy riding Lake Okeechobee Scenic Trail.

We stayed in several State Parks that were new to us. Visiting the beautiful parks and beaches on the panhandle was a highlight.

Beautiful night skies at Jonathan Dickinson State Park.
Crown of thorns at Koreshan State Park.
Entrance to St George Island State Park. It was 18 mile round trip to get ice cream. Worth the effort – each of 3 times!
This crab was on the beach on St. George Island. He posed nicely for his picture.
Our favorite place to eat in Grayton Beach – just a short bike ride from the State Park. Best shrimp ever.
Along Timpoochee Trail near Grayton Beach.
Meanwhile Erik and his family were enjoying a snowy Alaska winter.

We arrived in Ohio in time to enjoy a late spring snow. It’s always good to get home and begin where we left off on our home projects.

Late spring snow to welcome us home.
We enjoy being able to bike the beautiful Western Reserve Greenway while at home.
Amish farm along the Greenway south of Orwell.

Now to begin our Vermont adventure.